Shredding Bulk

Shredding Bulk

Do you have a five hundred thousand DVD’s you need to destroy rather than risk seeing them being sold? We can handle that. Do you have a warehouse full of sensitive documents you need securely shredded? We can do that. Do you have a storage unit full of old servers (or a warehouse) you need ground up? We can do that. Do you have patented aluminum molds you need destroyed to protect them from falling into the hands of competitors (or showing up in China in two months)? We can do that.


“Shredding bulk” is often a fitness strategy combining two main phases: building muscle (bulking) and then reducing body fat (shredding). Here’s a quick breakdown of how the approach works and what you might expect:

  1. Bulking Phase: This phase is all about muscle growth. Typically, you eat in a calorie surplus, providing the body with enough fuel to build muscle. The goal is to increase strength and mass through heavier weight training and higher protein intake. Since you’re consuming extra calories, some fat gain is expected, but the focus remains on gaining muscle.

  2. Shredding Phase: After bulking, the shredding phase cuts down on body fat to reveal the muscle gained. Here, you move to a calorie deficit, focusing on lean proteins and possibly adjusting macros (like reducing carbs and fats). Cardio exercises are also often increased to aid fat loss.

  3. Diet and Supplementation: Many people use supplements like protein powder, creatine, and BCAAs during bulking to support muscle growth. During shredding, fat burners or thermogenics might be introduced (if suitable) to support fat loss while preserving muscle.

  4. Training Adjustments: Bulking typically involves heavier weight with lower reps to build strength and mass, while shredding may shift to moderate weights with higher reps, focusing on muscle definition and endurance.


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 - Life Cycle Solutions - Hard Drive Shredding in PA -  - Screenshot from 2024-08-19 16-21-24 -
 - Life Cycle Solutions - Hard Drive Shredding in PA -  - Screenshot from 2024-08-19 16-22-10 -
 - Life Cycle Solutions - Hard Drive Shredding in PA -  - Screenshot from 2024-08-19 16-22-45 -
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